Glen of Imaal Terrier Enthusiasts & Fanciers Club

Glen of Imaal Terriers, their owners, breeders and friends are worldwide. It would be impossible to link to them all but we are still basically a very small community and the bulk of Glen websites are listed below. There is also social media and don't forget the Glen of Imaal Breed Clubs.
Enjoy finding your Glen of Imaal Terrier
Glen of Imaal Terrier Breed Clubs are the place to find more information about the breed and can be found in a few countries. EFG(UK), Finland,
Glen Association(UK), Glen Association(USA), Irish Glen Club(Holland), Irish Glen Club(Sweden) Irish Sporting Glen Club
Even if you aren't on Facebook there are Glen of Imaal Terrier pages on there that can be viewed as they are a "public setting". Amongst them are Boudivella, Finnabair, Griffin, Irish Glen Norway, Keadeen Sir Emmet, Oscar,